Section: New Results

Highlights of the Year

Nicolas Tabareau was awarded a starting grant from the European Research Council (ERC), the most prestigious type of research projects of the European Union for young researchers. From 2015–2020 he will pursue research on “CoqHoTT: Coq for Homotopy Type Theory.”

Jonathan Pastor has won the joint 1st prize at the Grid5000 Scale challenge, an international challenge for large-scale experiments on geographically-distributed cluster environments. Jonathan has shown with a colleague how to deploy and manage thousands of VMs in such an environment using his approach to fully distributed virtual machine management.

This year we have provided major research results in two domains. First, we have developed several new approaches for the formal reasoning over software in the domains of theorem proving [31] , as well as reasoning over distributed interaction protocols [32] and software compositions [24] . Second, we have developed new methods supporting dynamic computations over the cloud, both by means of more elastic cloud applications [27] and better locality management for the dynamic placement of virtual machines in Cloud infrastructures [29] .